
Data fields returned from Bodis api are converted from snake case to camel case, and put into a resource.

For example, if you were to get a list of folders, the response from the raw api would be

"data": [
      "id": 1,
      "total_domains": 3,
      "name": "Deal Domains"
      "id": null,
      "total_domains": 3103,
      "name": "Unassigned"

With the resource, it is now

'data' => [
   0 => JeffreyHosler\BodisApiWrapper\Resources\Folder {
      id: 1
      totalDomains: 3
      name: "Deal Domains"
   1 => JeffreyHosler\BodisApiWrapper\Resources\Folder {
      id: null
      totalDomains: 3103
      name: 'Unassigned'

Some resources offer additional functionality. You can view all resources directly by clicking on This Link <>_


Other resources do not have an additional functionality at this time.